6 Bllion for our new arena
The Hungarian government has given its permission to the renovation of our current Arena and building a new one ant the same time the investment has got the priority task with high importance status.
The news concerning the two decisions above have been announced in the latest issue of "Magyar Közlöny" (Hungarian Gazette). As Dr. Lajos Dorkota, freeman of the region Fejér and the city Dunaújváros explained, the priority status means that the administrative actions and public proceedings related to the investment have shorter deadlines.
The given support from the government will cover the renovation of the current handball arena and according to the news another sports hall will be built as well, which with two standard courts will be appropriate for international competitions too,. Beside these tasks dressing rooms, dormitorys and other service rooms will be established.
The local municipality together with BMSK Beruházási, Műszaki Fejlesztési, Sportüzemeltetési és Közbeszerzési Zrt.will be the ones responsible for the execution of the tasks, that can be started as soon as the necessary public procurement procedures have been finished. The construction need to be finished in two years.
At the moment more than 500 youngsters are studying and playing here in the city at our Academy. These improvements will help these youngsters and also our EHF Cup winner first team to have a quality training and sport center that meet the current needs and standards. We shall also not forget that the volleyball and futsal teams of the town will have their home matches there as well.
-forrás: Dunaújváros Online-
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