It doesn't work without defense
We suffered a surprising, but based on what we saw, a legitimate defeat in Békéscsaba.
Away, in the home of Békéscsaba, the adult team of our academy continued the fights of the K&H women's handball league. Although the hosts had already relegated to NB II, regardless of the outcome of the remaining rounds, it was not an easy task for Kohász, they could not count on Viktória Nick, who was struggling with a minor knee injury.
The start was quite disturbing for both teams, in the big rush where sometimes the purple-whites led, other times ours, but when our team managed to calm a little down and arrange the defense, we got away by two goals from the hosts. The timeout call of Békéscsaba came immediately, and during the short break Gergő Vida gave some useful instructions. They first equalized, then took the lead in the 20th minute (10-9). During this period, unfortunately, neither the defense nor the offensive game worked the way ours wanted, so we had to run after the result. Reaching the break, the scoreboard showed 14-14.
A térfélcsere után Bulath révén sikerült újra átvenni a vezetést, s bár volt esély az előny növelésére is, sajnos ismét jöttek a hibák, melyeket góllal, gólokkal büntetett a házigazda, így a 37. percben már 18-16-ra a Békéscsaba vezetett. A mieinktől Bulath Anita tartotta a lépést az ellenféllel, sorozatban szerezte góljait, s miután a 42. percben megszerezte sorozatban ötödik, összességében már a nyolcadik találatát, végre sikerült egyenlíteni (21-21). A vezetést azonban nem tudta átvenni a Kohász, mert védekezése továbbra sem állt össze, s mivel a hazaiak minden támadása góllal ért véget, a mieinknek kellett futniuk az eredmény után.
After switching the sides, Bulath managed to take the lead again, and although there was a chance to increase the advantage, unfortunately, the mistakes came again, which were penalized by the host with goals and goals, so in the 37th minute Békéscsaba led already 18-16. Anita Bulath alone kept up with the opponent, scoring her goals in a row, and after her fifth, overall eighth hit in the 42nd minute, she finally managed to equalize (21-21). We could not take the lead, because the defense was very loose. Since all the attacks of the home team ended with a goal, ours had to run after the result.
The teams cut for the last five minutes with a home lead of 29-28 and although DKKA equalized once again, they could not improve their defense in the final stage of the game. At the end a 32-31 Békéscsaba victory, it was their third success in the league, while Kohász is close to end the season without being able to get any points away from home. Our team will finish the season with a home match against Érd on Sunday, and we must win to take eighth place.
Békéscsaba – DKKA 32-31 (14-14)
DKKA: Wéninger – Kazai 3, Román 3, Bulath 11, Dabevska 1, Barján, Szalai 6. Subs: Babovic, Hlogyik (GKs), Ferenczy 3, Horváth 2, Krupják-Molnár, Husti, Fodor 1, Mihály 1. Head coach: Attila Vágó.
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