We got our opponent
A difficult but solvable task awaits us in the Hungarian Cup
09/11/2021 - 17.00 - Dunaújváros Arena
- Dunaújvárosi Kohász KA - Hungast Szombathelyi KKA
- Hajdúnánás SK - Vasas SC
- Dunakanyar Kézilabda Akadémia Vác - Eszterházy SC
- Békéscsabai ENKSE - Érd
- Moyra-Budaörs Handball - Kisvárda Master Good SE
- Siófok KC - Alba Fehérvár KC
- Gárdony-Pázmánd NKK - NEKA
- Kozármisleny SE - Komárom VSE
További hírek
They continue elsewhere
2021. Feb. 11.Fruzsina Ferenczy and Natalie Schatzl will both continue their careers in the Vác in the 2021/2022 season.
Good results from our younger ones
2021. Feb. 09. #DKKA utánpótlásOur teener teams and the youths won their matches, unfortunately it is another defeat for the U20 among the adults.
Could have turned out otherwise
2021. Feb. 06.Despite a good second half and the 29 goals scored, our team suffered a 34-29 defeat against Mosonmagyaróvár, mainly due to their missed chances.
Live: DKKA II. - Szentendrei NKE (Teener II.)
2021. Feb. 04. #DKKA utánpótlásFrom 16:45 today you can watch our live broadcast from the Teener second division against Szentendrei NKE. Come on, Kohász!
Live: DKKA I. - Alba Fehérvár KC (Teener I.)
2021. Feb. 03. #DKKA utánpótlásOur live broadcast of the Teener I. League starts today at 3pm. Let’s follow the match together and cheer for the youngsters even by sitting in front of the screens as well!