Karácsonyfa alá PÓTKIVÁLASZTÓ
DKKA utánpótlás
2024. Dec. 25.
Ismét kiválasztót tart klubbunk januárban.
További hírek
Young right wing player returns
2021. May. 17.Our former academist in Dunaújváros, Viktória Kukucska returns to us from the team Boglár Academy-SZISE.
Close defeat
2021. May. 14.Despite leading by three more goals after the first half, the adult team of our academy suffered a 28-25 defeat in Mosonmagyaróvár.
Our goalies are staying
2021. May. 13.Petra Hlogyik and Alexa Wéninger will also be joining the adult team of our academy for the 2021/2022 season.
Further players to stay
2021. May. 12.Gréta Horváth, Beatrix Krupják-Molnár and Viktória Nick also extended their contracts with the adult team of our Academy.
Key players are extending
2021. May. 11.Our top three finishers will strengthen the adult team again next year.