Teener and youth tournaments
Dunaújvárosi Kohász Handball Academy is organizing youth tournaments this week on Thursday and Friday. All the kind supporters are welcome.
DKKA Teeners' Preparation Tournament 2017
(2400 Dunaújváros, Eszperantó u. 2-4)
10.08.2017 (Thursday)
Participating teams:
Alba Fehérvár KC
Kozármisleny SE
Siófok KC
Dunaújvárosi Kohász Kézilabda Akadémia
Schedule of play:
10.00 DKKA – Alba Fehérvár KC
11.00 Kozármisleny SE – Siófok KC
12.00 Siófok KC – Alba Fehérvár KC
13.00 DKKA – Kozármisleny SE
14.00 Alba Fehérvár KC - Kozármisleny SE
15.00 Siófok KC - DKKA
16.00 Announcement of the results
DKKA Youth Preparation Tournament 2017
(2400 Dunaújváros, Eszperantó u. 2-4)
11.08.2017 (Friday)
Participating teams:
Alba Fehérvár KC
Kozármisleny SE
Siófok KC
Dunaújváros Kohász Kézilabda Akadémia
Schedule of play:
13.00 DKKA – Siófok KC
14.00 Kozármisleny SE – Alba Fehérvár KC
15.00 Siófok KC – Alba Fehérvár KC
16.00 DKKA – Kozármisleny SE
17.00 Alba Fehérvár KC – DKKA
18.00 Kozármisleny SE – Siófok KC
19.00 Announcement of the results
További hírek
An unexpected huge defeat
2021. Sep. 25.The adult team of our academy suffered a massive, 33-23 defeat in the Hungarian championship against Vác, playing very nervously with many mistakes.
Victory is what matters!
2021. Sep. 11.The championship fights of the season 2021/2022 started for us with a nervous game, but with an important success.
The adults won the tournament in Békéscsaba
2021. Aug. 21.A six-goal, 29-23 success in the final against Alba FKC.
Win at the third preparation match
2021. Aug. 13.Our adult team gained a seven-goal, 32-25 victory at their training match played at the home of Vasas.