Coaching duo to lead DKKA
Róbert Paic and Roland Virág will replace Tamás Rapatyi as head coach of the Dunaújváros Kohász Kézilabda Akadémia.
The last few matches of the Dunaújváros Kohász Kézilabda Akadémia's adult team have not been very good, as the team could only win one of the last six matches, against Békéscsaba, while they lost against DVSC, NEKA, Mosonmagyaróvár, Vác and MTK, all but one by a margin of more than ten goals.
Perhaps for this reason, but the DKKA management decided to make a change in the team's bench, and as executive director Tibor Horváth said at a briefing in the club's office, Tamás Rapatyi will be replaced by Róbert Paic, while his assistant will be Roland Virág for the rest of the season.
- Looking to the future, we have made a professional decision with Tamás Rapatyi, by mutual agreement, that he will step back a bit and we will use his knowledge in areas that need a bit of strengthening in our team. We had already thought about this, but recent events have accelerated the process and we finally decided that Róbert Paic will take over as head coach of the adult team, with Roland Virág as his assistant coach, but Zsolt Perger as goalkeeper and myself will remain on the staff, while Anita Bulath will continue as professional director. We are changing the structure a bit, while Tamás Rapatyi will continue to help us in a mentoring role. The team had its first training session on Sunday, there will be another one today and then a cup game on Tuesday, where we will of course be looking to progress.
Dr. Róbert Paic (centre) will take over the management of our adult team, assisted by Roland Virág (on the right).
Not only the professional staff, but also the squad has changed, said Csaba Vertig, operative director, who told us that we have strengthened the left back position with a former handball player from Dunaújváros, Barbara Kopecz.
- Together with Anita Bulath, we wanted to move forward in the left-shot position, and with Anita's help we managed to sign Barbara Kopecz. Barbara has already started training, her physical results show that she is not lagging behind, and she has already started to play ball at the trainings. We had to do something, because neither the club nor Dunaújváros can afford to go in this direction.
Former national team player to strengthen our squad, welcome Barbi!
Anita Bulath, professional director hopes that the coaching duo will bring big changes to the team, and she is confident that they will be able to improve both mentally and in terms of their game in the near future.
- Robi and Roli are also very good choices in-house. As a player, I've experienced what it's like to have a change at the head of a team. There is a new impetus for the handball players, I am sure that there will be players who will perform much better than before, because they might be more comfortable with the training work or the game that is expected of them. It will be a serious change in the life of the team, and after tomorrow's cup game we will have a period of time to practice, to build up Barbi and to build up the team for our next league game, which we will play on 30 December in Kozármisleny. Of the recent games, the one against NEKA was a big disappointment, and we were under-performing in both the fight and the game against Vác and MTK, and I expect improvement in these in the future.
Master coach Róbert Paic has been working as DKKA's professional director for youth teams, and as he said, everyone will work to improve both individually and on the team level:
- The situation is what it is, but we are not scared. A new coach always gives a team a new impetus, and at the moment we are lucky to have a big break before the next league game. We need to simplify the team a little bit and make it more dynamic, and if necessary we will make up for the shortcomings we have had in the last period by fighting, because this team is capable of moving forward. The fact that we have a slightly younger staff and will be looking at this from a different angle is a plus, as is the fact that we have Tibor Horváth and Anita Bulath to give us direction, while I myself will try to give it my best. I believe that more eyes see more, so we are also thinking as a team when it comes to professional work, discussing everything among ourselves and making the best possible professional decisions for the team.
Roland Virág coach, who has been managing the U17 team of the academy team, told us that the most important game for them is the cup match against Komárom on Tuesday, but from next week they will start working very seriously with the team members.
- It's a great opportunity, it's a dream come true for many coaches, so I'm in a privileged position and I thank the management for giving me the opportunity to work with an adult team in the NB I. I've always been a believer in work, and I've stressed many times with the youth team that you can talk about a lot of things, but it's the work that will bring the results that will make everyone happy. We also asked the girls at training on Sunday that they should be prepared to do a lot of hard work, because they can do much better than they have done so far. If they perform like that, the team will get a rest after the cup game on Tuesday, but from next week we will start a preparation for the league game in December.
(source of the article: dunaujvaros.com)
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