So it begins!
In addition to Babett Szalai, Viktória Oguntoye has also extended her contract with the academy's adult team by one year.
As it is usual in handball, DKKA have started to form the roster for the 2024/25 season. As a first step, the management sat down with the current squad members to discuss the continuation. We can already report that two of our experienced players, Babett Szalai and Viktoria Oguntoye, have already decided to extend their contracts, so we can count on them for the next season. Although both players arrived in the 2015/2016 season, Babi will be celebrating her tenth season in a row in Dunaújváros next year, while Ogu, who has spent a few years in Debrecen and then later she played abroad, is preparing for her sixth year with DKKA.
Our team has started to build the squad for next season
További hírek
Newcomer on board
2022. Oct. 11.With Kata Farkas joining our team our squad is getting extended with a young but well-rounded player.
Important points kept at home
2022. Sep. 24.In a chaotic game our girls were the better team on the court against MTK.
No surprises
2022. Sep. 16.Although DKKA kept the pace for a long time with the opponent, mostly due to a bad 8 minutes at the end of the first half, they lost against DVSC.
A thrilling draw away from home
2022. Sep. 09.The adult team of our academy achieved a 26-26 draw with a goal scored in the last second against Alba FKC.
Season ticket info
2022. Sep. 08.Many of you have asked so here you find more information on the season tickets