A hazaiak örülhettek a végén...
A szünetben felépített 3 gólos előnyt hamar ledolgozta a hazai alakulat, mely az utolsó 10 percben végig őrizte 1-2 gólos előnyét így otthon tartották a 2 pontot...
percről percre : https://livescore.mksz.hu/32021277265/esemenyek?_gl=1%2a1xkbl5y%2a_ga%2a...
jegyzőkönyv : https://www.mksz.hu/jegyzokonyv/32021277265
Részletek hamarosan...
További hírek
Step by step!
2020. Jun. 02.Four new signings at Kohász!
2020. May. 28.DKKA will play their home matches of the 2020/2021 season in Érd. they also announced the signing of four new players at a press conference on Thursday.
Live: Press conference with announcements
2020. May. 27.The goal was close, but then...
2020. May. 24. #DKKA utánpótlás[Teener I.]
Our youngsters had a realistic chance of making it to the final four of the teener I. league.
We were finally able to meet! Everyone is healthy, the work can start!
2020. May. 18.Now the full staff of DKKA appeared on Monday morning at the professional meeting that prepares the next season, to which the captain of the team, Babai Szalai, was also invited. Of course, everyone followed the emergency rules.