Perger Zsolt is back
We can welcome another returner to DKKA, after 5 years once again Perger Zsolt will strengthen our professional staff.
The former goalkeeper has had the opportunity to work as a first team coach, as an assistant coach and as a goalkeepers' coach next to both adults and youth teams. As a player he played at Elektromos, Pick Szeged, Fotex Veszprém, Százhalombattai KE, Gyöngyösi FKK, FTC and PLER, but also spent some time is Spain and Sweden. He has won four league titles and four Hungarian Cups during his career.
Old-new face will strengthen our staff, Perger Zsoltnak (left) did not need to introduce himself to the colleagues.
(photo: Nagy Gergő - DKKA)
Perger Zsolt has worn the Hungarian national teams' shirt 86 times. As a coach he worked beside girls already at Kohász between 2012 and 2014, then he moved to Csurgó and PLER where he was in charge for men teams. His responsibility will be to coach the goalkeepers both in adult and youth levels at DKKA.
Dear Zsolt, welcome back, we wish you lots of success in Dunaújváros!
További hírek
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