We do not travel to Siófok tomorrow
BREAKING NEWS! Tomorrow's match of the first team Siófok KC - DKKA has been postponed.
Due to a cancelled flight the home team could not return after their EHF Cup clash from France therefore they enquired about a new date for the match. As soon as a new appointment for the game will be settled we'll share it with you.
Official announcement of the Hungarian Handball Association (MKSZ): LINK
További hírek
This time Loki won
2021. Apr. 25.Our team committed lots of annoying mistakes and suffered an unexpected large defeat.
We won the second leg too!
2021. Apr. 10.DKKA won 32-27 against Mosonmagyaróvár, making it to the semifinals of the League Cup with a double success.
A painful defeat
2021. Apr. 02.Although being ahead with four goals in the second half, after committing many mistakes we suffered a two goal defeat at the end.
Advantage gained
2021. Mar. 30.After a tight first half, the adult team of our academy won 31-24 in the first leg of the League Cup quarterfinals.
The girls fought well!
2021. Mar. 27.Despite the efforts Ferencváros won the match at Elek Gyula Arena today afternoon.