Easy win on the first game
In the League Cup we gained a confident, 40-22 victory against Vasas SC.
The Dunaújvárosi Kohász finally played home and hosted the NB I/B side Vasas SC in the first leg of the League Cup semi final. The two teams already played during the contests of Group 'C', ours managed to win both of the matches at that time, so there could have been no other aim for today than to get a win.
The first goal was scored by the visitors, but DKKA equalized quckly and for the 5th minute we already had a 4-2 advantage. The opponent did not want to stay behind, so they kept the pace well with us until the 10th minute. After the hit of Krupják-Molnár, Bulath, Szalai and Román we got away from the red-blues (10-6). A few minutes later the away coach needed to call a timeout as the difference started to grow between the teams. 22-11 stood on the scoreboard at halftime.
Sok izgalmat nem ígért így a második felvonás, melynek elején minkét gárda hibázott párat, de a Kohász hamar visszaállt korábbi tempójára, s a 37. percben már 27-13-ra vezetett. Vágó Attila igyekezett minden benevezett játékosának lehetőséget adni a játékra, s ezt Fodor, Matucza és Husti is góllal, gólokkal hálálta meg, így a 47. percben 34-17-es előnynek örülhettek kézilabdázóink. Az 50. percben már megvolt a "húsz közte" is, de miután sorozatban három gólt kapott együttesünk, Vágó Attila időt kért, hogy a hajrára is maradjon a koncentrációból. A mieink nyolcperces gólcsendjét Husti törte meg, majd Fodor és Horváth is betalált, így kézilabdázóink végül sima, 40-22-es sikert aratva szereztek tetemes előnyt a május 17-i visszavágóra.
The second part of the match did not promise much excitement, after some errors by both teams Kohász managed to return to the previous pace they increased their lead to 27-13. Attila Vágó tried to give all the players an opportunity to play, and Fodor, Matucza and Husti also thanked him with goals, so in the 47th minute our handball players could enjoy a 34-17 advantage. In the 50th minute there was a moment when twenty goals separated the sides, but after our team got three goals in a row, Attila Vágó invited his players to the sideline. asked them to remain concentrated fotr the final minutes. Our eight-minute-long goalless period was broken by Husti, then Fodor and Horváth also scored, so our handball players finally got a smooth 40-22 success. They can be quite relaxed before the second leg that will be played on 17th May in Budapest.
DKKA – Vasas SC 40-22 (22-11)
DKKA: Hlogyik – Mihály 3, Román 5, Bulath 4, Nick 3, Szalai 5, Krupják-Molnár 4.Subs: Wéninger (GK), Ferenczy 2, Barján 1, Matucza 5, Horváth 2, Fodor 4, Husti 2. Head Coach: Attila Vágó.
További hírek
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